Sunday, 24 March 2013

The fat bloke in the pool ( and it wasn't me! )

Well the first sprint triathlon race of my season was cancelled late on Friday after the organiser decided that the risk of people getting hypothermia was too high. I think it was a wise decision especially having woken up to yesterday's Baltic wind and wind chill factor.

It's funny how we all become experts in the weather during these periods of unusual weather. Folk can be overheard talking about the poor conditions being caused position of the jet stream being blocked by high pressure over Scandinavia dragging cold air over the UK which means that the temperature is 20 degrees less than the same week last year- next thing I'll be on the telly. The worst news is that it is forecast to last this week as well. More indoor training beckons!

So with no race on Saturday and Danielle out for the day I was free to do a few things that I wanted to do. So I took the opportunity and did a circuit session in the morning. It was mostly yoga type stuff which I find the tough due to my lack of flexibility and I find the various stretches tricky to see the least.

After that I jumped straight into the car and head to Carnegie. The pool was rammed, kids with rings, balls flying round and various teenagers lurking about in oversized shorts trying to look cool for the few girls in the pool. The only space that was available was the far side lane and unbelievably it was empty! This is a good as it gets - an empty lane. I jumped in and got going. It was awesome! I felt brilliant gliding up and down the lane effortlessly putting into use all of my Total Immersion training. Each length I focussed on one thing and whilst it wasn't the fastest it felt relaxed and just easy.

Every so often one of the teenagers would jump into the lane next to me and race me up the pool. Most of the time they would win but after 25m they were done and I carried on. After 20 odd lengths a guy joined me in the lane. He was a good swimmer and stopped to let me past in the usual manner at the end of lane when he needed a break. He left at about length 60 and a girl joined me. She was a great swimmer and we happily crossed paths in the middle of each lane. I had completed 96 lengths when large boned bloke number one came into the lane. Head about water, breaststroke, he plodded up the lane and I caught him just at the point fat bloke number 2 jumped into the lane, completely blocking the lane. I was forced to stop and on standing up the fat bloke gave me such a look. I nudged past them and swam my last lengths to finish my 100 lengths - 2500m completed and very happy!

As I jumped out the pool the attendant spoke to me and said that I was lucky to have picked a time that the lane was empty. The old boys apparently turn up at he same time every day and take over the lane! Given the chaos of the pool it was great to get the freedom to complete a long swim all by myself!

The weather was no better today so I ran 7 miles on the treadmill. It's not the most exciting thing to do but felt better than braving the cutting cold wind that welcomed myself and Scruffy to the day! NCIS managed to keep me entertained for the hour I plodded. The new runners arrived a couple of days ago and they fitted a treat.

So not sure what the week ahead holds. I'm racing next Saturday in the Scottish Mountain Biking Series in Aberfoyle and to be honest I'm not expecting a fast time but the race will be good fun and set us up for the Open Adventure 5 series race in Keswick in 2 weeks.

Let's hope the Jet Stream gets the weather sorted and Spring can rock up!!

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