Sunday, 17 March 2013

Bit of a damp squib......

I held this weekend in much hope. I was really looking forward to a decent run on the bike but it's been a miserable weekend with rain pretty much most of yesterday and today.

I briefly considered the weekly Parkrun yesterday but after wrestling with the duvet gave it a miss and spent an hour running in the gym with the joys of Soccer AM on the telly. Running inside is one of these things that we are just not meant to do but I couldn't face the rain and sleet - jelly an rather than ironman me!

Danielle was waiting for the Tesco delivery. He duly did his job dropping off more courgettes, apples and pears than I thought existed. Danielle is food testing and as a result is on an odd combo diet this week but I think she's made a slight mistake ordering 9 courgettes! So all recipes including courgette and pears welcome! I think the Tesco driver thought we'd lost the plot.....or maybe he thought we'd bought the plot!!

After lunch, including a trip to Tesco to buy more, not courgettes, but wholemeal flour I decided to spend an hour doing circuits in the gym. It was tough. I have loads of leg strength but still struggle with the upper body stuff as I'm not the strongest but hopefully in 3 weeks time hopefully I'll be finished the circuit programme I'm on and with a core of rock. My flexibility hasn't improved much and when we were out later our wonderful Yoga teaching friend Anna asked me how I was getting on with the flexibility stretch she had taught me recently. I hung my head in shame guilty of not having practiced. I was asked to demonstrate my flexibility which sadly turned out o be less than be French stick that sat on the table!

So today, I was promised a sunny afternoon by the good people at the MET office. Wrong, it rained until after 3pm. I had completed an hour in the gym early doors to create the space to get out on the bike this afternoon. So seeing the rain I was a tad disappointed. I considered the gym and a spin session but I couldn't face - pathetic but the day isn't over yet so who knows!

So this afternoon I went into the kitchen. I enjoy cooking, sadly not talented, and would be more at the experimental end of the Cheffy scale. For every success there are several huge disappointments and I'm pretty certain that my cod al la cabbage and beet root pasta will be two dishes I take to the grave! I love making bread which again has been the source of a few disasters. The current favourite is flatbread. So today I extended that into pizza bases, not any old pizza base but wholemeal pizza base! I omitted the sugar that seemed to be in the recipes in the book and made up the mix and stuck it all in the bread machine.

It kind of worked but I don't think Pizza Express have a huge amounts worry about but my pizza turned out ok. No white flour in his house as the healthy options are explored. Bizarrely being a bit of a junk food junkie I'm enjoying new flavours and using natural stuff to cook with. It's a bit more effort but at least there's no horse meat jockeying for position in my food.

The other thing I dug out today was my guitar. I was mucking about with a melody when Danielle came in and asked what I was playing. Turned out she liked it and suggested that I record it and keep working on it. So the plan is to work it up into a song and if the rest of the band, Father Jack, agree we'll play it on the 11 May at the Safe Space fundraising night in amongst the classics we'll be playing.

The forecast for the week ahead looks a bit, as they say on the news forecasts, pants so I guess it will be a week to swim, spin and run on the treadmill. Not perfect but it will need to be done. I've also been trying out a few different energy drinks and protein shakes and I think that I've found an SIS option that doesn't destroy my stomach. The first outing will be at the Scottish Mountain Biking Orienteering race a week on Saturday so we'll see how that goes.

Spring sometime soon would be good!

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